Recruitment Platforms

Hiring is Fundamentally Changing

Hiring is Fundamentally Changing

Talent acquisition and recruiting are undergoing rapid disruption and are changing fundamentally: according to Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2014 research 58% of companies are currently revamping or considering changes to their talent acquisition strategies. Fundamental changes are impacting hiring requiring companies to thoroughly review their hiring strategies:

Talented people have stopped looking for jobs

The Talent landscape is massively changing with the rise of the new workforce. People increasingly show a changing attitude towards work, requiring freedom to decide when to work, where to work or who to work for. Traditional employment no longer fits with this requirement, Talented people today are not looking for jobs. Instead they are looking for exciting projects and experiences. Recruiters looking for people to fill traditional jobs, will likely miss out on the best talent. Is what your company has to offer interesting enough for talent to consider you and are you sure you are looking for talent in the right place?